From the outset of the Roman conquest of Britannia, the flame of rebellion is smouldering. Many of the Celtic tribes are forced to submit to Emperor Claudius, with the exception of the Iceni. Granted their local independence, all remains relatively quiet for over a decade. But with the death of the Iceni King, peace will be shattered. The brutal mistreatment and humiliation of the living monarch by Roman soldiers sparks fury. Celtic Queen, Boudica, ignites an incendiary campaign for vengeance. Tribes resentful of Roman rule gather and form a rampaging horde of tens of thousands, together they ride. Colchester and St. Albany will burn and London will be lost. Boudica's willingness to go toe-to-toe with Roman troops very nearly brings the Roman Empire to its knees. At the Battle of Watling Street, Boudica secures her legacy as a Warrior Queen bringing her people glory even in the face of defeat.